Welcome to

Resurrection Lutheran Church


We invite you to look around and become familiar with all we do in the name of Jesus, our Lord.

Celebrating 50 years of service in 2024.

We worship together In-Person & On-Line!

at 10 AM on Sunday Mornings

What's ahead?

Sunday Gatherings


Upcoming Events

Sunday Worship
at 10:00 am
(Click for Bulletins and Greensheets)
(The 2024 Flower Chart is available HERE.)
 School Supply Project

July 18-26

Both RYOT and RALLY 
have fall events planned
Sunday School for all ages
We are on Summer Break
Sunday School resumes August 25

Guy's Night Out
July 25, 6:00

Austin Street Grill

50th Anniversary

September 29

Adult Sunday School
Narrative Lectionary Study
We are on Summer Break


 Next Second Sunday Social

August 11


 God's Work. Our Hands.
September 8

What are you looking for? 

Who should you contact?