Our Columbarium

We have been working with a company called ColumbariumNitches.Com to design a bank of columbaria for our church. The company's main product is postal boxes.  They adapted that technology to hold cremains instead of bills and magazines, and wrapped it in an attractive aluminum and granite cover.  You can explore their products here: Columbarium Niches - Columbaria Cremation Niches

Location and Details

We have ordered a 6' wide by 5' tall unit that will fit into the area just outside the "Living Room," off the Narthex. The concrete has been stained to resemble the church's interior floor.  An attractive cross has been hung and an ornimental bench will arrive soon. The columbarium will hold about 120 person's cremains in 60 separate compartments.

Please read the attached Policy and Pricing sheet for more information.


Here are some additional images to help you in visualizing this installation.