This was the 10th year for the ELCA's God's Work Our Hands service day. Resurrection had a great turnout for this year's pot luck luncheon and work projects. Check out all that we did below!
God's Work Our Hands 2023
God's Work Our Hands 2023
This was the 10th year for the ELCA's God's Work Our Hands service day. Resurrection had a great turnout for this year's pot luck luncheon and work projects. Check out all that we did below!
God's Work, Our Hands 2022
It was another great year of coming together to server others. Thanks to Becky Choi for setting up a great group of projects. And thanks to all those who volunteered their time and materials on September 11, 2022 to serve others!
Gods Work, Our Hands 2021
After a year apart, we were finally able to come together to serve others on September 12th, 2021. Thanks to Becky Choi for setting up a great group of projects. And thanks to all those who volunteered their time and materials to serve others!
God's work, our hands 2020
Each year, congregations across the ELCA join with their communities to do God's Work with Our Hands. In 2020, the world was a little different, but we still were able to help those around us. This video illustrates what we with Our Hands this year!