WHO: RLC Cover Girls Sewing Group
WHAT: Annual Christmas Sale
WHEN: Wednesdays: December 2nd, 9th and 16th: 11:00 am-4:00 pm
Saturdays: December 5th, 12th and 19th: 12:00 Noon-4:00 pm
Sundays: December 6th, 13th and 20th: 12:00 Noon-4:00 pm
WHERE: Rooms 16,17 and 18 (ANNEX) Outside Building. To access the Annex: From the parking lot, proceed north on Independence, turn left just prior to the triangular RLC sign, enter through the gate, turn right, proceed to the first door of the Annex.
COVID-19 Requirements: Masks required, sanitizer available, maximum ten shoppers at a time.
RLC members have been great supporters of the Cover Girls in the past. You have not only given us funds to purchase fabric, batting, thread, etc., but you have enabled us to donate funds to various non-profits in our community. We are very grateful to be able to do just that, that is our mission!
Last year we donated: $500 to Lutheran World Relief; $1300 to Plano ISD Weatherford Lunch Balance; $1000 to Emily's Place; $1300 to City House; $1000 to Children's Advocacy Center
Items for sale will include: Christmas Throws, Year Round Throws/Comforters, College Quilts, Christmas/Other Table Runners and Placemats, Baked Tortilla/ Potato Bags, Tree Skirts, Potholders, Microwave Bowl Potholders, Kids/Men/ Mother/Daughter Aprons, Kid/Baby Quilts, Stuffed Animals, Christmas Décor, Greeting Cards plus other various items.
Be aware! Our sale is just a little different this year! Get that Christmas list ready!
Note: Sales available by appointment if days and times are not convenient
Please contact Marilyn Neer at: neermarilyn@yahoo.com or 214.5572886.